
Barlin Centennial [update: 02/06/06]

Our Batch at SMA is the Host Batch for this year and we have planned that SMAAA will spearhead several Activities for the Barlin Centennial. We will be doing it at Baao where it is most needed. (The Seminary is Celebrating Barlin's Centennial here at Naga on June 29) On April 23, we plan to hold a local conference on "The Centennial of the Episcopal Ordination of the First Filipino Bishop, Jorge Barlin of Baao, Camarines Sur" and aside from myself we have invited two more speakers from USI and Ateneo. We will publish a souvenir program of the proceedings of the conference. a month later we will launch "The Museum of Baaoeño Memory" at SMA showcasing my collection of Baaoeñana and Barliñana and at June we may hold a Quiz Bee and Essay writing Contest based on the Barlin conference. We will end the centennial perhaps wih a mass, Flower offering and Fireworks display. We will be sending out solicitations for advertisement for the souvenir program to help us regarding funds for the activity. Can you help us with this as I'm sure Many Baaoeños would love to have a copy of the collectible souvenir program. Thank you and I'll keep you posted -- Paulix B. Robosa. P.S. My man at intramuros turned with nothing, maybe I need to go there myself.

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